The Nationwide EAS Test is scheduled for October 4. Some had wondered if the test would be delayed if the government shut down over budget issues. While an alert could be transmitted whether or not nonessential government employees were working, there was a fear that the EAS Test Reporting System (ETRS) would not be operational. … Continue Reading…
FCC Repeals COVID-Era Accommodation that Allowed Broadcasters to Offer Businesses Free Advertising Time Without LUC Implications
Yesterday, the FCC’s Media Bureau released a Public Notice announcing that it was repealing the COVID related guidance released in March 2020 that allowed broadcasters, local cable operators, and other media companies subject to the requirements that political candidates be offered Lowest Unit Rates during pre-election periods, to offer free advertising time to advertisers and… Continue Reading…
January Regulatory Dates for Broadcasters – Quarterly Issues Programs Lists, Children’s Programming Reports, Rulemaking Comments, Copyright Fees for Webcasters, and More
The new year brings a series of regulatory deadlines in January and a February 1 license renewal deadline that broadcasters should take note of. As in 2022, the FCC will remain vigilant in making sure that its deadlines are met, so the following items should not be overlooked or left until the last minute. The… Continue Reading…
This Week in Regulation for Broadcasters: June 11, 2022 to June 17, 2022
Here are some of the regulatory developments of significance to broadcasters from the last week, with links to where you can go to find more information as to how these actions may affect your operations. Comment dates have been announced in the Federal Register for the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing to authorize LPTV… Continue Reading…
FCC To Hold Symposium on Radio and TV Industry – What Does it Mean for Broadcast Regulation?
The FCC announced on Friday that it will be hosting a symposium on the state of the broadcast industry on November 21. On that day, there will be a panel in the morning on the state of the radio industry and one in the afternoon on television. The Public Notice released Friday lists a diverse… Continue Reading…
KTVN, Lotus Broadcasting and Las Vegas 51s Team Up to Support Honor Flight of Southern Nevada
This Friday, May 25, 2018, Channel 13, Lotus Broadcasting, and the Las Vegas 51s are teaming up to support Honor Flight of Southern Nevada. Chopper 13 will deliver the Veteran who will throw the first pitch. There will also be fireworks. Game starts at 7:05pm at Cashman Field.
Click HERE for ticket information
NAB President, Senator Gordon Smith Meets With NVBA Members & NVBF Scholarship Recipients
The Nevada Broadcasters Association was honored to host a luncheon featuring National Association of Broadcasters, President & CEO, Senator Gordon Smith. In attendance were NVBA member Radio and Television station General Managers & Owners, along with Foundation Scholarship Recipients.
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FCC Votes to End “Main Studio Rule”
By John Eggerton
Broadcasting & Cable
A politically divided FCC has voted to eliminate the main studio rule. The vote was 3-2 with the two Democrats strongly dissenting.
That was the almost eight-decade old requirement that broadcasters, radio and TV, maintain a main studio in or near their community of license.
The FCC voted unanimously last May to propose eliminating the almost eight decades old rule.…
Unite Nevada Day October 6
In the aftermath of the terrible shootings in Las Vegas, the broadcasters of the great state of Nevada are asking you to join them for “Broadcasters Unite Nevada Day”. This Friday, October 6th we are asking the entire state to show their unity by wearing our state colors of Silver and Blue. Change your Facebook profile picture to represent you are Nevada Proud and Las Vegas Strong. …