All EAS Participants – including all full-power broadcasters – must complete the 2017 ETRS Form One on or before August 28, 2017. We wrote about this obligation here. The filing deadline was set for next week as the ETRS system is used so that stations can report on the results of nationwide EAS tests. With the next Nationwide EAS Test set for September 27,…
Live Stream of the Nevada Broadcasters 22nd Annual Hall of Fame Gala
Preparing for Annual Regulatory Fee Filing – Order on This Year’s Fees Circulating at the FCC
About this time each year, broadcasters and other entities regulated by the FCC prepare to find out the amount of their annual FCC regulatory fees. These fees are likely to be paid in September, before the October 1 start of the new government fiscal year. Last week, the FCC added to its list of “items on circulation” (FCC orders that have been written and are circulating among the Commissioners for a vote) an order to establish the specifics of this year’s regulatory fees,…
FM Translators for AM Stations – Now that the Filing Window is Done, What’s Next?
The window for filing applications for new FM translators for Class C and D AM stations has now closed. According to a statement from FCC Chairman Pai, over 1000 AM stations took advantage of the filing window. What’s next? The FCC will take these applications and determine which of them are mutually exclusive with some other application filed during the window that ended yesterday.…
FCC Releases Tutorial on FM Translator Auction Window for AM Stations – Clarifies that AM Buyers Can File Applications
The FCC yesterday released an online tutorial for the upcoming windows for filing for FM translators for AM stations. The first window will run from July 26 until 6 pm ET on August 2, where Class C and D AM stations that did not receive a translator in last year’s 250-mile waiver windows can file for a new FM translator to rebroadcast their AM station.…
FCC Repack Affects Many in Nevada
Your TV Station Channels May be Moving.
Here’s What You Should Know.
Courtesy of the National Association of Broadcasters
What is happening?
Because of government action , many local stations in your state and district may be moving channels beginning next year and continuing through 2020. This impacts your constituents who watch their local channels over the air with an antenna.…
FCC’s Elimination of the Requirement that Letters From the Public be Kept in a Broadcaster’s Public Inspection File Effective Today
Today, the order eliminating the requirement that broadcasters maintain in a paper public inspection file copies of letters and emails to their stations about station operations becomes effective. While the FCC abolished the requirement back in January, one of the first deregulatory actions of the new Chairman (see our article on that decision here), the decision did not become effective until the publication of that decision in the Federal Register,…
July Regulatory Dates for Broadcasters – Quarterly Issues Programs and Children’s Television Reports, Comment Dates on Main Studio Rule Elimination and Modernization of Media Regulation, Incentive Auction CP Filing Deadline, Effective Date for Captioning Clips of Live and Near-Live Programming, and Window for FM Translators for AM Stations
July is a big month on the Washington regulatory scene for broadcasters. There are, of course, the routine quarterly regulatory obligations. For all stations, commercial and noncommercial, Quarterly Issues Programs Lists, summarizing the most important issues facing a broadcaster’s community, and the programs that were broadcast in the prior quarter to address those issues, must be in a station’s public file (the online public file for all TV stations and for radio stations that have already converted to the online file) by July 10.…
First Annual Northern Golf Tourney a Big Success
The First annual golf tournament held on June 14th at the beautiful Grizzly Ranch Golf Club, 45 minutes north of Reno, was a big success. With the generous support from both the broadcast community and local businesses, the tournament raised over $25,000 for broadcast scholarships.
Thank you to everyone who came out and golfed, all those who help to organize and sponsor the event,…
Main Studio Rule Change
This rule change will affect many of our broadcasters. The FCC wants to know what they think about the proposal.
Released: 06/05/2017. MEDIA BUREAU ANNOUNCES COMMENT AND REPLY COMMENT DEADLINES FOR MAIN STUDIO RULE NPRM. (DA No. 17-547). Comments Due: 07/03/2017. Reply Comments Due: 07/17/2017. MB . Contact: Diana Sokolow at (202) 418-2120, email:…
FCC Releases Instructions for Window for AM Stations to File for FM Translators and Announces Translator Filing Freeze – Pay Attention to the Details!
Late yesterday, the FCC released the Public Notice setting out the instructions for the upcoming window for Class C and D AM stations to file for new FM translators. The window will be open for the submission of applications from July 26 to August 2 – and mutually exclusive applications filed during that window will be resolved by an auction if they cannot be resolved by settlements or engineering solutions.…
Comments on FCC Proposal to Abolish Broadcast Main Studio Rule Due July 3
In today’s Federal Register, the FCC has given notice of its proposal to abolish the main studio rule. That notice, here, sets the date for comments on this proposal as July 3. Reply comments are due two weeks later on July 17. We wrote about the FCC’s proposal and the questions being asked in this proceeding here and here.…